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You may be familiar with the terms “Skin Boosters”, “Rejuran Healer” or even “Baby Skin Injections”, but what are these treatments for, and why do we need them?

Skin boosters are essentially vitalizing dermal fillers that revitalize the skin, improving its appearance, texture and slows down the ageing process from within. Unlike other dermal fillers, skin boosters do nothing for contouring or shaping the facial structure, and they can be applied anywhere on the face, neck or hands.

Dr Adam will dive into the benefits of skin boosters and how they can be applied into your daily life for radiant, silky-smooth skin.

How skin boosters work?

Skin boosters contain a soft, gel-like substance called Hyaluronic Acid (HA). This is a substance which occurs naturally in the skin and holds incredible amounts of moisture. However, it depletes with age, which is what causes the skin to appear lined or loose with a drier texture.

Microinjections of hydrating hyaluronic acid restores the moisture in the skin, which improves its elasticity, firmness and radiance.

It’s not really comparable to applying moisturiser – the injections can penetrate much deeper and last longer.

When applied using a mesotherapy technique with tiny injections, the process of delivering skin boosters also triggers the skin’s own repair and tightening mechanisms, which enhances the result.

Benefits of skin boosters

The most common use of skin boosters is facial rejuvenation. This is a versatile treatment that can be used to treat many different skin areas e.g. neck, décolletage, backs of the hands. They can also be used on difficult to treat areas, like tightening the skin under the chin (RRS), the upper inner arms, inner thighs, knees and abdomen. They are safe for all skin types, ages and genders.

Depending on the treatment chosen, some of the potential benefits include:

  • More radiant complexion
  • Healthier skin tone
  • Reduction in visible lines and wrinkles
  • Tighter, lifted skin
  • Better hydration – a flattering ‘glow’
  • Firmer skin texture
  • Softer skin with more elasticity
  • Reduction in patchy pigmentation

The nature of skin boosters means that they are also ideal for use in combination with other treatments, providing a holistic boost to the skin which works very well alongside more focused treatments such as cheeks or lip enhancement.

What does Skin Booster treatment involve?

Before Treatment – During the initial consultation with Dr Adam, he will discuss your treatment expectations. After discussion of what you wish to achieve and assessment of your treatment needs, Dr Adam will advise if Skin Boosters are suitable for you. After a treatment plan has been agreed, and only once you are happy to proceed, you will be asked to read, understand, and sign a consent form before the treatment can begin.

During Treatment – Dr Adam will apply numbing cream to make the procedure more comfortable. After this the Skin Boosters are injected into the skin in small amounts using a very fine needle. Treatment improves natural hydration levels and boosts collagen production and elastin in the deeper layers of the skin. This in turn improves the skin surface texture and appearance.

The treatment is quick, typically taking about 30 minutes. Treatment with Skin Boosters does not affect facial expression and the benefits can normally be seen over the following weeks.

After Treatment – Skin Boosters products are naturally broken down by the body. To ensure an optimal and long-lasting result, a course of three treatments 4-6 weeks apart is recommended, followed by a maintenance treatment once every 6 months.

Downtime following a treatment is minimal, and many clients are able to return straight to work. After Skin Boosters some reactions might occur, including slight redness, swelling, itching, bruising, pain and tenderness. The reactions are generally mild and usually disappear shortly after injection. They typically resolve spontaneously within one or two days.

Acne scars

Skin boosters are proving to be a secret weapon in Dr Adam’s practise against acne scars. In the past Dr Adam has used normal hyularonic acid fillers to smooth out large acne scars but the limitation was what to do about the smaller superficial scars & pitting which are often present. Now he has this tool and is seeing great results.

Skin boosters are slightly different to the fillers we use to plump lips and cheeks. They are light, sit just under the skin surface and absorb water to brings deep skin hydration to the treated areas and so improved firmness, elasticity and smoothness. Over time, the quality of your skin changes – collagen and elastic fibres degenerate and the spread and function of the body’s own hyaluronic acid change, making your skin drier, rougher and less elastic.

The treatment involves a series on tiny injections over the area being targeted with minute amounts of the filler being deposited under the skin surface. You will have a programme of treatments; one a month for three months, then one six months later and then one after a year for maintenance.

If you have any questions – you are welcome to contact Dr Adam Brown Skin & Cosmetics in the most convenient way.